Jonan is a seven-year-old nursery student at Kutamba Primary school. Jonan and his four siblings live with his grandmother in Kyamurekye village. Before joining Kutamba, Jonan attended Bikongozo Primary school, but after losing his mother, who was the breadwinner for the family, he could no longer afford to attend school. Jonan says, “I had no hope that I would attend school and achieve my dream of being a Bursar (financial administrator within a school or university setting) because I had no money to pay for school fees, scholastic materials, uniforms or meals while at Bikogozo Primary school.
Jonan’s grandmother learned that Kutamba was recruiting Nursery students through the chairperson of the school management committee at Kutamba Primary school; who is also on the recruitment committee. Jonan was happy when he was considered after passing the interview to join Kutamba.
At Kutamba, Jonan tells us, “I am so much impressed by the school itself, free meals, scholastic materials, uniforms and no school fees! I have been able to make new friends not only at Kutamba but also at Nyaka Primary school, most especially Jackson in Nursery class at Nyaka. Visiting NVSS was a great inspiration for me to work hard to join such a good-looking school.
I am extremely glad for the opportunity of free education, which I never expected. I am working hard so that my dream of becoming a bursar is achieved. I thank Nyaka so much for sponsoring me.”
Many children like Jonan desire to learn and just need the opportunity to attend school.
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